Helpful Halloween Tips

Halloween is a time for fun, creativity, and community engagement. As we approach October 31st, we wanted to share some helpful information. 

  • Typically, Trick-or-treating activities take place from dusk (around 6:00 pm) to 8:00 pm.  

  • If your household wishes to participate in Halloween activities, we encourage you to leave your front porch light ON during those designated hours. This helps signal that you are welcoming Trick-or-Treaters. 

  • If you do not wish to participate, or you simply run out of candy, turning your light off will signal you are not receiving trick-or-treaters. 

We believe these helpful hints will help create a great Halloween experience for all residents, allowing those who wish to celebrate to do so and respecting the choices of those who prefer not to participate. Please ensure any decorations or activities in your front yard are safe and do not obstruct walkways or roadways. If you are driving through the community during these hours, please be mindful of trick-or-treaters. 


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Week 4: Independent Decision Making